God gave Christmas Presents to us! We may give ours to Him!

God’s Christmas Presents to us should be followed by our Christmas Presents to Him!


Question 1: “What were God’s ‘Christmas Presents to us.’?”

Answer: “His First Christmas Present to us was His Creation! He Spoke all there is Into Being with His Holy Word, beginning with ‘Let there be light!’


Question 2: “What were God’s next ‘Christmas Presents to The World’?”

Answer: “Obedient people! God’s ‘Christmas Presents to us’ include Abel, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, and David. Among them are His Holy Prophets.”


Question 3: “Were only Holy Men among ‘God’s Christmas presents to us’?”

Answer: “Those ‘Christmas Presents to The World’ were there to get us ready for One Woman. Mary!”


Question 4: “What makes Mary so special?”

Answer: “Mary is The Most Perfect of all who ever were! The First Bible describes Mary in Three Words: ‘Hail (Mary), Full of Grace’. No one else in All Creation was ever described as being ‘Full of Grace’. God specifically tells us in The Bible that there is no room in Her for error.”


Question 5: “When did God give us such a Miraculous Christmas Present?”

Answer: “When it was time for His Prophecies to be fulfilled! God, The Son of David, would come to earth in Human Form. He would use The Holy DNA of She Who is forever ‘Full of Grace’ to do that!”


Question 6: “Catholics deeply appreciate ‘God’s Christmas Present to us’! How can we give a ‘Christmas Present’ to God?”

Answer: “Catholics give a ‘Christmas Present to God and His Blessed Mother’ every time we say a Holy Rosary.”


Question 7: “How is that a ‘Christmas Present to God and His Blessed Mother’?”

Answer: “Every time we say a Rosary, we repeat His Words: ‘Hail Mary, full of Grace . . .’ a total of 53 times. A hundred million Catholics say a Rosary every week. Every week, those Catholics give 5,300,000,000 ‘Christmas Presents to God and His Blessed Mother.’

Question 8: “How many ‘Christmas Presents to God and His Holy Mother’ is that in a year?”

Answer: “Every year, those Catholics give 275,600,000,000 billion Christmas Presents to God! Every decade, that’s 2,756,000,000,000 (over two trillion!) ‘Christmas Presents to God and His Blessed Mother’ from grateful Catholics!”


Question 9: “What does that do for us when we stand before The Throne of God with His Blessed Mother seated at His Right Hand?”

Answer: “If we have said a Rosary every week for 25 years, God and His Blessed Mother will see that we have 68,900 bright and shining photons glowing and flowing in and around our soul!”


Question 10: “What could be better than that when we go to The Judgment of Jesus?

Answer: “Smarter Catholics pray: ‘God let me say/one Rosary each day.’ We want our soul lit by 19,345 more glowing praises that are our ‘Christmas Presents to God and His Blessed Mother’ every year!”

. Catholics give thanks to God by saying “Hail Mary, Full of Grace . . . .” as often as we can.


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