God is Truth.  Protestants see some of God’s Truth.

God is Truth.  Protestants see some of God’s Truth.

1. God Spoke Creation into Being.  Protestants agree!

2. God provided Prophets and Prophecies.  Prophets predicted:  “God will come to earth in human form.”  Protestants agree!

3. The Prophecies were fulfilled.  Jesus was born at the Prophesied Time, Place, and Family.  Protestants agree!

4.  Jesus is the Son of God!  Protestants agree!

5.  We each have an immortal soul.  Each immortal soul will go to Judgment.  Protestants agree!


Then, disagreements!

He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies left Teachings.   The Son of God spoke One Church Into Being.  He said to one person in History:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Protestants in forty five thousand denominations disagreed!


The disagreements got complicated!

Catholics:  “One Church on earth has been led for 2,000 years by Successors to the only person to whom Jesus Spoke His Words.”

Protestants:  “We do not need to be in The Church Jesus Founded.  If we believe in Jesus, He must let us into Heaven.”


Intelligent people focused on this Word of Jesus:

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

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Protestants:  “If we believe in Jesus, He must let us into Heaven.”


We each must make a choice!

Catholics:  “Jesus is always right.  Therefore, His Church-Founding Word is Truth.”

Protestants:  “We find and follow Passages that tell us we need to believe in Jesus.”


The Big Question!  Is belief without obedience enough?

Catholics:  “If we want to be among His obedient “friends”, we must strive to obey all that Jesus taught.”

Protestants:  “We do believe some of what Jesus taught.  That is enough to get our souls into Heaven.”


Catholics believe that every Word of Jesus is Truth that we must strive to obey.

Protestants do not.


God is Truth.  Protestants follow some of God’s Truth.

Is that the smartest thing we can do for our immortal soul?

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Free e-books and reasons to be Catholic:  catholicfundamentalism.com



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