Protestants must ask: “Will I get into Heaven?”

Protestants must ask:  “Will I get into Heaven?” 

That is the most intelligent question anyone can ask!

Our immortal soul will spend eternity somewhere!  It will either be in the Joy of Heaven or the unending agony of hell.

“People of good will may be saved if they are not Catholic through no fault of their own.”
1.  Jesus did fulfill hundreds of specific Prophecies.  Jesus is The Promised Messiah.
2.  Jesus did Speak The Catholic Church Into Being with His Holy Word to one person in History!
“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
Every person has free will.
4.   , it is a“fault of our own”.
It is impossible for people of “good will” to avoid the reality of Jesus, hanging on the cross!
It is impossible for any person of “good will” to avoid asking “Who is that? Why is He there?”
It is impossible for a person of “good will” to study the odds of Jesus Fulfilling The Prophecies and not believe He is The Messiah.
It is impossible for a person of “good will” to see billions of unborn children being killed by abortion, pills, and implants and not be filled with grief.
It is impossible for any good person of “good will” to willfully support any group that does not provide this Catholic Teaching:  “Life must be respected from conception until natural death.”
Those who willfully and knowingly close their minds and hearts to Truth and Life are not “people of good will”.
Protestants must ask: “Will I get into Heaven?”
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