God’s IQ Test. #116. “Do I see how easy it is to understand History?”

. Modern History began with Hilltop Forts. This one, La Bastida, was built in Spain, 2,500 years ago.

Every person on earth is descended from early Tribes. Every Tribe had a leader who led them to take over an area.

Invading Tribes often began by building a Hilltop Fort. The world is dotted with the remains of tens of thousands of Hilltop Forts. In England alone, there were over 3,300 Hilltop Forts!


Question 1: “What did Invading Tribes do after they built their Hilltop Fort?”

Answer: They killed, enslaved, or evicted the earlier residents. Successful Tribal Leaders were smart enough to invent and use new inventions and strategies that included metal swords, armor, horses, saddles, stirrups, chariots, and wagons.


Question 2: “What did Invading Tribes do next?”

Answer: “They spread out! They built more Hilltop Forts and took over larger areas.”


Question 3: “Why did all those nations disappear?”

Answer: “Every Tribe that took over a nation ruled it with their own Gangs of Gluttons in armies, navies, and civil services. Other Gangs of Gluttons attacked them! History is the record left by Gangs of Gluttons.”


Question 4: “Why do Gangs of Gluttons attack their own nations?”

Answer: “They want more for themselves. Anyone who has anything becomes an enemy. Every bureaucracy in every nation is taken over by a Gang of Gluttons (“GOG”). They gladly attack their own neighbors to get more, always claiming to be doing ‘good’. The worst of them are funded by bribes from foreign Gangs of Gluttons.”


Question 5: “Can anything stop Gangs of Gluttons from destroying a nation?

Answer: “The Catholic Church established a celibate priesthood. Those Holy Men built Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Monasteries and Convents. Catholics realize! ‘My choice is clear. I can serve God and get to Heaven. Or, I can be live a pig, devouring my neighbors.’ Every good Catholic knows: ‘I will gain more by serving God than by serving some Gang of Gluttons!'”


Question 6: “Are nations with more Catholics safer from Gangs of Gluttons?”

Answer: “History is clear. Many Catholic Nations have lasted over a thousand years. The best people in and around the Gangs of Gluttons heed God’s Word. They obey This Word from He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of simple reasons: http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/New_Road_To_Rome.pdf
