Good Catholics love The Grandest Grandparents in History!

The Holiest Women in History with their Son and Grandson.

Question 1: “How can I get a better understanding of Mary, The Mother of Jesus?”

Answer: “Catholics see that Mary came from Her parents.”


Question 2: “Who were Mary’s parents?”

Answer: “Mary’s Mother was Saint Anne. Her Father was St. Joachim. They are the Grandest Grandparents in History!”


Question 3: “What makes them The Grandest Grandparents in History?

Answer: “Their holiness let God use them to produce The Holy Soul, Spirit, and Body of Mary at Her Immaculate Conception.”


Question 4: “I thought it was Jesus Who saved us and that Mary was His Blessed Mother?”

Answer: “Mary had to be conceived without Original Sin to be The Bride of The Holy Spirit! St. Anne and St. Joachim made The Immaculate Conception of Mary possible.”


Question 5: “How did they do that?”

Answer: “St. Anne and St. Joachim chose to live good and holy lives. They were so obedient to God’s Word that He allowed them to conceive Mary without Her being stained by The Original Sin that corrupted the DNA of Eve, Adam, and all others descended from them.”


Question 6: “Did Mary have to be conceived without Original Sin so The Messiah could be born in accord with the time, place, and family of The Prophecies?”

Answer: “Yes! The Immaculate Conception of Mary had been planned from the beginning! God knew Eve would lead Adam to corrupt their DNA. God’s plan went from Eden to Bethlehem to The Cross at Calvary and beyond!”


Question 7: “I never knew how incredibly important St. Anne and St. Joachim were in God’s Plan! Is that why they are ‘The Grandest Grandparents in History’?”

Answer: “Yes!”


Question 8: “Do Catholics have a prayer to ask ‘The Grandest Grandmother in History’ to intercede with Jesus for their children and grandchildren?”

Answer: “Yes! ‘St. Anne, show me the best way to serve my children as they raise their growing family. Help me always to give them words of encouragement, support, and respect. Show me how to be a good grandmother to their children. With great love, I pray for each of my grandchildren and ask you to intercede on behalf of their needs, intentions, and aspirations. Pray that we may enjoy a long life together and after our death be united again for all eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.’

Every good Catholic parent and grandparent prays that prayer!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
