Catholics have ‘a new reason’ to be Catholic!

Mary, The Mother of Jesus, gave St. Dominic a way to let us repeat One Word of God 53 times!

Question 1: “Do Catholics ever think of a ‘new reason’ to be Catholic?”

Answer: “Catholics are never boring! Catholics always look for interesting reasons to obey This Teaching of Mary’s Son! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2: “What is their ‘newest reason’ to obey That Teaching from The Son of Mary?”

Answer: “We focus on one word ‘Hail’, as in ‘Hail Caesar’. We know that saying ‘Hail’ to someone is a sign of respect.”


Question 3: “How does that give us a new reason to be in The Only Church Spoken into Being by Words of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “Catholics ask a simple question! ‘Is there any Passage in The Bible where God, Himself, says ‘Hail’ to anyone on earth?”


Question 4: “Why would The Creator of all Creation say, ‘Hail’ to a mere creature He created on earth?”

Answer: “You have asked a very profound question!”


Question 5: “Well, answer it!

Answer: “Read this sentence in Lk 1:28. ‘Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women.’


Question 6: “I read that! God ordered The Archangel Gabriel to say ‘Hail’ to Mary. How is that a new reason to be Catholic?”

Answer: “Catholics repeat what God told Gabriel to say, ‘Hail’ to Mary, 53 times when we say a Rosary!”


Question 7: “Are Willful Protestants right to say that Catholics are guilty of ‘vain repetition’ when they repeat their prayers?”

Answer: “It is impossible to be ‘vain’ while repeating Words that Honor The Son of Mary! It is actually ‘vain’ to not join God and Gabriel in saying ‘Hail’ to Mary and Her Son!”


Question 8: “Do Willful Protestants have other things wrong?”

Answer: “It is always wrong to disobey Any Word from The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!”

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Sometimes, a new reason to be Catholic.
