A grain of talcum powder meets a grain of salt.


Protestants just don’t get it.  Protestants think big.  Catholics think small.  Catholics have the clearer view.   We can see:  A grain of talcum powder meets a grain of salt.

For 2,000 years, The Church has taught “Life must be protected from conception to natural death.”  Each life began as a great miracle.

A sperm cell is the size of a grain of talcum powder.  It holds the atoms and molecules from our parents and ancestors!  Those “architectural blueprints” are the most complicated thing this side of The Architect of All.

A human ova is a little smaller than a grain of salt.  Each has all the DNA from our mother’s family.  The vast complexity of countless generations is within.

At the moment of conception, the ancestors father and mother meet in a sacred moment.  We picture angels, living electrons, putting together each precious person.  A grain of talcum powder meets a grain of salt.

Protestants think so big they miss the miracle of the molecules that made them!  How do we know Protestantism is wrong?  They do not join in condemning abortion-inducing birth control that kills billions of such tiny babies.
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Catholics think small.  We see that each human life is an impossibly tiny miracle.  Protestants say, “It’s all right to use abortion-inducing birth control pills and implants that kill the tiniest of babies.  They aren’t really people.”

Big Thinkers want orgasms more than they want to think about how tiny their own preciousness once was.  They do not “think small” about the miracle of their own life.   They “think big”, putting their temporary pleasures ahead of their own, precious children.

Protestants think big.  Even their married clergy are not prohibited from ending the precious lives of their own children.

Catholics nearly break into tears at the awfulness of knowing billions of unborn children killed by abortion-inducing birth control.

Worries about “overpopulation” are among the shameless excuses Big Thinkers make to avoid teaching abstinence and chastity to protect life.

They are killing us.


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