It’s hard not to stop thinking about words.

Since we use words to think, talk, and write about what words are, we find ourselves programmed within a circularity that is not dissimilar to the vast Creation Program in which we live. Concerning words; Catholic Fundamentalism begins with the idea that they are labels for various programs, as for His basic horse program or bird program. Nouns are programs that identify things in The Creation Program. Adjectives are modifying programs, like “fast” or “blue”. Verbs describe the various movement programs, and, most broadly, represent energies.

God, for instance personally had the “horse program” written and downloaded. Over time, men have modified that program, producing Clydesdales, ponies, race horses, and plow horses. So, words either describe “God Programs” or “Man programs”, which indicate that our vastly lesser abilities, while they may turn iron into steel and oil into plastics, consist in modifications to various parts of His Creation Program. The words “beaver dam”, “spider web” or “ant hill” describe programs produced by programmed beings with lesser programming abilities.

Once we understand a little more of what words are, we may be struck with the idea that the words we say are “banked” in a celestial account. When our souls go to judgment, that “bank account” is opened, and we are able to see how we used words in our lives, indicating where we’ve made our biggest deposits. If we used words more to help than to hurt, we may then find that our account is there to be cashed in for our eternal benefit.
