Hate against love. Love against hate.

Those who have less can be made to feel aggrieved because others have more. The lives of such people are often ruined by soul-corroding envy. Many actually hate those who have more than they, and will do whatever they can to enforce “fairness”, usually at the point of a gun.

Every civilization in every age is beset with those who want to make things “fairer”. In their dark hearts, they just want to have more, themselves. They are willing to kill and enslave their neighbors to get it. They often do. The more hate-filled their new government, the more death.

From the guillotines of the French Revolution to the firing squads of Castro and Chavez, the hateful have the gutters run with blood.

Today, they plan a “National Service Corps” for the United States. People will be forced to learn to “help”, all in the name of fairness. Hopefully, sanity will return in the next election. It’s doubtful that it will. Already, voter fraud is increasing in every sort of ballot-counting. The apportionment of votes is no longer fair, but under the control of the hateful.

Things don’t look to good for those on the side of love.
