He is Risen!

Today, Jesus Christ was restored. He was resurrected. He returned to earth from Hell, where He’d freed the souls imprisoned there until His coming. While He was releasing the souls from Hell, His body remained in the tomb. He went to Hell as pure spirit. The corrupting viruses fled before Him.

He did not need His Body in Hell. The viruses were aware that His Spirit was far more powerful than any other. They feared and dreaded Him more than anything.

He needed to have His Body, however, when He returned to show those favored humans He’s chosen that He was, in actual fact, alive and well. So, Easter shows His love for us. Getting into His earthly body was a step backwards for He Who had been released in all His majestic power.

Christmas, the date of His Holly Birth, is always on December 25. Easter is, on the other hand, a “Movable Feast”. It’s important that Lent, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Saturday Vigil, and Easter Sunday always appear on the proper days. So, that’s the way it is.

The Loving Programmer had gone to some trouble to have times and seasons governed by “lights in the sky”. Genesis makes it clear:

“Then God said:
“Let there be lights in the dome of the sky,
to separate day from night.
Let them mark the fixed times, the days and the years,
and serve as luminaries in the dome of the sky,
to shed light upon the earth.”

Easter is a “Movable Feast”. It is also, with seeming contradiction, one of the
“fixed times”.
