The Heart of Protestantism


The Entire New Testament was written by The First Catholic Bishops, each ordained by Jesus.  Then, Catholic Saints and Scholars spent centuries finding and compiling old, unaltered copies of The Old Testament.

Rev. 20 tells us that after a thousand years, The Thousand Year Reign of The Catholic Church over Western Christendom would end. Luther and other Protestant innovators came from, or were caused by, what came “out of the abyss”. The Protestant Rebellion ended “The Thousand Year Reign” of The Only Church Jesus Founded over Christianity.

Profiteers at The Heart of Protestantism invented pseudo-intellectual excuses to remove Books of The Bible that undermined their authority.  One of the Old Testament Books that was removed was Baruch. This passage makes it easy to see why Books like Baruch were removed!

Bar 1:15-22  “During the Babylonian captivity, the exiles prayed: “Justice is with the Lord, our God; and we today are flushed with shame, we men of Judah and citizens of Jerusalem, that we, with our kings and rulers and priests and prophets, and with our ancestors, have sinned in the Lord’s sight and disobeyed him.

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We have neither heeded the voice of the Lord, our God, nor followed the precepts which the Lord set before us. From the time the Lord led our ancestors out of the land of Egypt until the present day, we have been disobedient to the Lord, our God, and only too ready to disregard his voice. And the evils and the curse that the Lord enjoined upon Moses, his servant, . .. cling to us even today. For we did not heed the voice of the Lord, our God, in all the words of the prophets whom he sent us, but each one of us went off after the devices of his own wicked heart, served other gods, and did evil in the sight of the Lord, our God.”

As a result of The Protestant Rebellion, we now see the results of the 43,000 Pastor Bobs, each of whom “went off after the devices of his own wicked heart, served other gods, and did evil in the sight of The Lord, our God.”  American Indians and Australian aborigines exterminated by those who claimed to be “doing our Christian duty.”  Now, we see merciless killing of billions of unborn babies by abortion and abortion-inducing birth control.

Those deaths are the result of Protestantism confusing Catholic Teaching:  “Life is to be protected from conception to natural death.”

The Heart of Protestantism was the triumph of individual vanity over humble obedience.   The Only Church Jesus Founded was weakened by what are now 45,000 schisms, each a manifestation of some man’s vanity.   Each claims to do God’s will while avoiding, and often, abusing, The Only Church Jesus Founded by saying so clearly:

“Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


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