Is Heaven “The Vatican in the Sky”?


Dante’s Inferno teaches that punishment reflects the seriousness of each soul’s sins on earth.    The rich, selfish man’s suffering  in Luke 16: 19-31 was clear.  He knew that he was suffering because he was made to see, across the “great gulf”, God and the saved souls living in perfect joy.   The greatest punishment of all is to know what we are missing by being separated from God.

Revelation describes the saved souls’ eternal happiness in The City of God, the New Jerusalem.  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are there with all the saved souls and obedient angels forever.  Is Heaven “The Vatican in the Sky”?

Is Heaven is surrounded by a clear sphere of what we may imagine to be “soul-proof” glass?

Lost souls and fallen angels are on the outside of the impenetrable sphere.  The Joy of Heaven is eternally visible to them.  The “gnashing of teeth” reflects the agony of seeing the joy their vanity caused them to lose.

The greater their pride on earth, the clearer their view of the Joy they lost.

What of Purgatory?   Some souls have sufficiently sought forgiveness.  For some, the “soul-proof” shield miraculously “opens” allowing them into Heaven.

So, we ask God to “open the Gates of Heaven.” for the precious, immortal souls of our beloved departed.  He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies clearly told us who has the power to do so!  “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Therefore, the smartest thing any of us can do for our beloved departed is to ask God, by prayers, good works, and donations to His Church to use those keys on their behalf.  It is best to be Catholic.  It is good to be close.

