As a rule, Catholic Fundamentalism focuses on why we should be Catholics. It all boils down to this: Jesus Christ is the Fulfillment 0f The Prophets. We cannot read the 300 and some prophecies that refer to Him without seeing that His coming is so far beyond coincidence that it is lunacy to deny God’s hand in His coming.
We should obey His instructions. When we seek to do that, we realize that worthily receiving Catholic Communion is the only way we can do what Jesus says: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”
Enough focus on that will increase our chances of eternal salvation. Ignoring it keeps us from having “life” in us.
It is, frankly, insane to take such a risk. Therefore, sanity and Catholicism go hand in hand.
This very short post is all that some may need to move toward eternal life.