“Help the poor.”

Many people say they want to “Help the poor.”   This is a laudable and praiseworthy goal, recommended by Jesus, Himself.    Now, however, the numbers indicate that many appear to be helping themselves while saying they want to “Help the poor.”:

“According to the Census’s American Community Survey, the number of households with incomes below the poverty line in 2011 was 16,807,795,” the Senate Budget Committee notes. “If you divide total federal and state spending by the number of households with incomes below the poverty line, the average spending per household in poverty was $61,194 in 2011.”  

Welfare programs are not helping the poor.  Instead, they are enriching a horde of very well paid people who say they want to “Help the poor.”   By “eliminating the middleman”, we could send each welfare household $60,000.00 each year, eliminate all welfare programs, and cut the costs in half.

Not one liberal suggests that we “Help the poor.” by making $5,000.00 a month in direct payments to welfare households.  That’s how much we could “Help the poor.” if we got rid of the huge departments that dole out food stamps, heating assistance, and medical aid

Liberals might not think it’s fair to give welfare households $60,000.00 dollars a year since working households are only bringing in $45,000.00 annually.  If leaders of the left thought that it was “fair” to give welfare households the same income that working households bring in, we could send every welfare family $45,000.00/year.  Then, welfare households could “feel good about themselves”, having been given an income the same as working households.  Taxpayers would save $15,000/year for each of the nearly 17,000,000 welfare households and all the poor would have their incomes greatly increased.

An online calculator was big enough to find the total savings:  The savings of $15,000.00/year multiplied by the  17,000,000,000 welfare households provides an annual total savings of $255,000,000,000.00.  Don’t we want to avoid wasting money on unnecessary costs?

Why doesn’t a single liberal want to reduce waste and inefficiency by directly providing more help to the poor?   Direct deposits would immediately provide money to the poor for whom so many on the left express great affection, usually while living as far away from them as possible.  Who would want to continue the fraudulent system in which pleas to  “Help the poor.” only justify programs that waste money?

Catholic Fundamentalism wonders if those involved in taking and wasting money are in mortal sin. “Mortal sin” would describe taking from the poor to benefit themselves with lucrative jobs, benefits, and pensions while actually keeping the truly unfortunate from having more.

