History is simple for Catholics.

History is easy for Catholics. We see see 14,000 years in a few minutes.


Question 1: “What makes History simple for Catholics?”

Answer: “God makes History simple! The Bible gives us a Written Record of what happened when Abraham’s Family grew from being a Tribe and became a People. All the Histories tell of Tribes becoming People. History has been the same for the last 14,000 years.”


Question 2: “What happened?”

Answer: “When Families became Tribes, they moved around. Each Tribe had a Guardian Angel guidiing them. Some of those angels, like Michael and Gabriel, did God’s Will. ‘Good Angels’ led their Tribes from place to place, all over the world. God let the angels choose where they would lead their Tribes. By 12,000 BC, 14,000 years ago, they were building the first cities.”


Question 3: “What did the ‘Fallen Angels’ do?”

Answer: “They led people into evil. Their Tribes and Peoples were corrupted with cannibalism, perversion, and every possible sin by ‘Fallen Angels’.”


Question 4: “What changed things?”

Answer: “Tribes used to pass on their histories by memorizing stories about their ancestors. Whether Choctaw Indians in America, or Celtic and other Tribes in every Continent, all Tribes were guided by memorized stories. Then, God let some people develop writing. They left the first Written Records of what their angels had guided them to do. Hammurabi’s Code is a good example, from 4,000 years ago .”


Question 5: “Who replaced the angels as our Guide?”

Answer: “God. Tens of thousands of Tribes had been wandering around the world in war and peace. God led one One Tribe of Abraham’s Descendants to write. 4,000 years ago, God inspired Prophets to record The Prophecies He gave them. Two thousand years later, God brought Mary, His Most Perfect Creation, into Being. She agreed to let His Son be born on earth to Fulfill those Prophecies. Jesus Christ would divide all the peoples on earth into Two Tribes.”


Question 6: “What are the Two Tribes that Jesus Christ made?”

Answer: “One Tribe is ‘The Obedient Friends of Jesus.’ The people in His Tribe obey The Holy Word with Which He Spoke The Catholic Church into Being. ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 7: “How do Catholics know we are the only people in His Tribe?”

Answer: “We obey The Teachings of The Only Church He Personally Spoke Into Being. We are chosen to be among “‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 8: “Who is in The Other Tribe?”

Answer: “All who willfully disobey Any Teaching of Jesus are in ‘The Other Tribe’. That Tribe is known as “The Willfully Disobedient Enemies of Jesus.”


Question 9: “Do people in The Other Tribe get ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer: “Those who willfully and knowingly choose to disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ keep themselves out of His Tribe!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
