Honesty & Consistency, The Best Public Policy

An honest nation is always more prosperous. Honesty manifests itself in consistency. As establishments grow, they tend to favor themselves. It’s almost impossible to undo the inconsistency that’s introduced by entrenched interests who control police agencies and military forces.

Some, who are interested in honest government with consistent policies, have suggested this change to The Constitution with the addition of a 28th Amendment. (An additional, suggested insertion is included):

“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives (and all employees and contractors paid under their authority); and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives (and all employees and contractors paid under their authority) that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States .”

Having such an Amendment apply to a few hundred legislators and a few thousand Congressional staffers will not make a dent in our deficit. In the interests of fairness and consistency, “and all government employees and contractors” needs to be inserted. Applying fair, consistent pensions, benefits, and salary levels throughout millions of bureaucrats saves enough money to restore America’s economy.

Those who feel that they are deserving of favored treatment tend to work with unaccustomed diligence against establishing fairness and consistency. It’s important to realize how much the Praetorian Guards of every nation love being treated better than ordinary citizens.

We can get an idea of how desperately they would fight by remembering the French aristocrats’ battle to maintain their favored benefits. First, they rightly fought against the insane excesses of the Revolution. Then, they fought even harder against Napoleon’s efficient, streamlined government. He reduced so many aristocrats’ benefits that every aristocracy in Europe combined to destroy him and his vastly more efficient government.
