How Does God Judge One Hundred Billion Souls on Judgment Day?

How Does God Judge

The question, “How are the souls of a hundred billion people going to be judged in one day?” has several possible answers. When we think of God as The Loving Programmer, we may understand that every life was downloaded to put its soul where it belongs for eternity.
Believers understand that, in the final analysis, each soul is either saved or lost. It’s not unreasonable to assume that our sins have an effect on our soul that’s easily visible to He Who lovingly downloaded it within The Creation Program.
Using that scenario, we can imagine that, at Judgment Day, all the souls are immediately divided into those two categories. The souls of the lost may, for the sake of argument, be imagined as small, shriveled, stained, dark, properly or improperly polarized, or lacking in wattage. The “Divine Volt-meter”, an electric sieve, quickly separates at least half of those awaiting Judgment, those souls who fall into the “Goats” category.

One Hundred Billion Souls on Judgment Day

Those numbered among the “Sheep” have souls whose good qualities are immediately apparent. They are saved. That basic part of the process may only take a few moments of the morning of Judgment Day.

Dante informs us, as do others, that there are gradations of punishments and rewards in the world beyond. Lost souls end up in one of nine circles of Hell. Eternal punishment increases as the soul descends. The saved arrive in one of a similar number of gradations in Heaven, with eternal joy increasing as one goes up the scale.
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The entire process may take a part of the morning on Judgment Day.

Is there an “Appeals Court”? Not likely. The Loving Programmer personifies “justice, flowing like a river”. There is no higher court to which an appeal could be made. He will, however, listen to Mary, the most powerful being outside The Trinity.
Only the most foolish and pig-headed would not realize that it pays the biggest possible dividends to ask Her for help as we approach the separation of our own soul from our own body. “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death, Amen.”

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