Human organizational programs come and go, often painfully.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

One of the least effective political groups are those who say:   “The most capable people should make the decisions.”  That works with God in Heaven and the vast and joyful hierarchy of angels whose beings grow with joy as they experience the endless ecstasy of doing what The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded them to do.

We don’t live there.  We live on earth.  Here, we are ruled by Human Organizational Programs.  Each of them is in one of the stages of government between initial download and erasure.

There is little permanence in any of the human organizational programs because the other side is always corrupting whatever government system there is.  That’s the way it is for us human programs within The Creation Program.  Our bodies are attacked by microbes, our minds by c0rrupting ideas, our families by distracting temptations, and our nations by those who want to loot them.  Human organizational programs come and go, often painfully.

Why does this ongoing corruption of every human entity exist?  The corruption began when Eve gave into temptation and drew Adam into disobedience after her.  The human programs replicated from them all, except The Blessed Mother, contained that same flaw of vanity that Adam and Eve wrote within the human programs descended from them.

We can boil all that we know about compilations of human organizational programs to:

1.  Every existing program is surrounded by those trying to corrupt, re-program, or erase it.

2.  When human programs succeed in destroying a human organizational program, their vanity drives them to download their own program.  As that happens, their own human organizational program is attacked by those who would like to erase and overwrite it with a program of their own.

3.  Very rarely, when a human organizational program is threatened, those with operational control will destroy all the human programs in their power rather than allow re-programming or replacement of their program.  This happened when far-left James Jones slaughtered all the human programs under his organizational control in Jamestown.

France was downloaded to provide the educated human programs on earth with all the necessary examples of human organizational programs that should be needed.

In their 1789 reprogramming Revolution, the long-running French Monarchy Program was erased.  It was replaced by what the far left re-programmers called a “Republican” Program.  That program ran so poorly it had to be replaced.  In a very few years, the French had to submit to the human organizational program written and downloaded by Napoleon.  His program ran the government so efficiently, and with so little debt, that those involved in German, English, Russian, Austrian, and other programs merged.  They had to erase the Napoleonic Program before it erased them.

Since that bloody erasure at Waterloo, human organizational programs come and go, often painfully.   Such changes happen in France more frequently than the programs of other most other nations.  Why?

The human programs in France are confused.  They can’t decide if they’re downloaded from Latin, Celtic, or German Programs.  It’s hard for human programs who can’t even decide who they are to know make sound decisions.  It’s harder because they erased the one royal governing program that had ruled them for centuries.  They compounded that loss by abandoning The One Church that could solve their identity problems.

One of the great things that The Catholic Organizing Program does is help human programs understand that their relationship with The Loving Programmer is more important than their relationships with each other and the ancestors’ past millennium and a half of Catholicism    Human organizational programs come and go, often painfully, because too many of us cannot subordinate our vanity to obedience.


