I’d rather die than be Catholic.

Revelation 20 tells of “The Thousand Year Reign”.  When it ends, “the dragon will be released from the abyss”.  The Catholic Church ruled all of Christendom for a thousand years.  Then, Martin Luther began the process of fragmenting The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Luther and the other early Fragmenters were supported by government opportunists:  “The Catholic Church keeps us from doing what we want.  If we replace The Church  with our own, wholly-owned clergy, we can take the Church land, buildings, and movable property.  We can make billions!  Afterwards, we get all those tithes.  A steady cash flow and a clergy obedient to the state!  What could be better!”

And, the dragon from the abyss destroyed the healthy balance between Church and State by using Luther to fragment The Church.

The initial Protestant fragments continued to break apart.    Now, there are over 43,000 Protestant denominations.  Not a single one of them poses a threat to any Government.   Their competing self-interests keep any from taking the lead to solve any real problem.

Protestants pay a big price for Protestantism.

In Europe and America, several thousand unborn babies are killed by abortionists every day.  Life-destroying sins are encouraged.  Moslem invasions, rapes, and murders are ignored.  Great evils are met with a fatalistic shrug.

The sad fact is that Protestants are too fragmented to solve any problem.   They have become resigned to their fate.   “There is a lot of evil in the world.  There is nothing we can do about it.”

Most are happy in their 43,000 schisms.  Things are simplified to the point of Protestant paralysis.   “The important thing is that Pastor Bob cares so very, very much.  He says that if we believe in Jesus, we will go to Heaven.”

Few want to see the simple-mindedness on which such schisms are built.   They attract those so hollowed out by vanity that they enjoy being told that they are right to believe:  “I am a good person.  I do not need some big, fancy Church.  I just need my Jesus and my Bible.  Frankly, I’d rather die than be Catholic.”

Being Catholic means doing something to fight evil.   Those who prefer to do nothing find 43,000 homes in Protestantism.  “What we have to do is believe in Jesus!   That’s what Pastor Bob says.”

A mindless horde of 43,000 fatalistic Protestant groups, each convinced that all they can do is “Believe in Jesus”, brings inevitable destruction.

The connection between Catholicism and survival has never been so clear as now, 500 years after the dragon was released from the abyss.
