
In the First Programming Log, various spokesmen for The Programmer spent a lot of time telling us how stupid it is to worship idols. “They cannot talk, they cannot walk, they cannot even get themselves out of a burning building. Only a fool would worship the work of his own hands.”

Things have changed in form, but not substance. Today, false idols are often fashioned of human thoughts that have been given written, pictorial, and spoken form. Evangelists for those idols encourage others to believe in them. Many, so lost and lonely as to be grateful for even such self-serving attention to be paid to them, will help the latest denomination of idol-worship expand.

“Global Warming” is a such an idol. It has been manufactured out of countless lies that have been cunningly cobbled together to make enough sense that idol-worshippers can believe in it.

The Global Warming Idol replaced the short reign of its predecessor, The Global Freezing Idol. Such rapid successions show that their idols change, but the worship of idols does not. Some believe in the “New Math Idol”. That makes children numerically illiterate, the way a “Whole Language Idol” made them verbally illiterate.

There is a large department (denomination) in most governments for each main idol and all its subsidiaries. The denomination of Public Education, for instance, worships many more idols than the two mentioned above. They revere lots of minor deities, like “tenure” and, the ever-popular “pension”.

A newer denomination of Environmentalists has replaced earlier idol-worshippers whose name, “Communist” had, by its own excesses, become almost impossible for any person claiming to be sane to defend without admitting, and exposing, his own tendencies toward homicidal mania.

Believing in The Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector helps separate us from idol worshippers. To Catholic Fundamentalists, The Programmer’s entire Creation Program was written and downloaded for one reason, to separate believers from idol worshippers.

There’s one thing we must do after we learn to see the liars behind the lies. “Do good to them that hurt you.”, we were commanded, along with the often-difficult “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Those are the hard parts, but we’ve been assured the reward is worth the pain.
