If the World was Catholic,

If The World was Catholic, there would more respect for life. It is very hard for people who are taught “It’s all right to kill your unborn child.” to love their neighbors, let alone God.

If The World was Catholic, there would be far, far fewer divorces. Stronger families would have brought more children into the world. More of us would be focused on getting our souls in Heaven, forever among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

If the World was Catholic, pills and implants would not be destroying countless numbers of the tiniest and most helpless babies.

If the World was Catholic, more priests would be leading those who hurt their neighbors to love them.

If the World was Catholic, we would stand for life, freedom, and families.

If the World was Catholic, we would embrace Catholic Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”


All those “Ifs” are true. We may correctly say, “If the World was Catholic, the world would be a better place.”


Before Martin Luther, most of Europe had been Catholic for a thousand years. Then, Christen Unity was shattered. Christendom is fragmented by 45,000 denominations. A new one is invented every ten hours. Each is led by new Profiteer of Protestantism. He says “You are smart and you are good! I can get you to Heaven!” Confusion multiplies.

Logic and Truth are ignored. We live in a moral paralysis. Minds are immobilized. Souls are stained with sin.

Countless unborn children began to be killed a few hundred years after Luther ended the Thousand Year Reign foretold in Rev. 20. Evil allows helpless innocents to be sacrificed on Babylon’s altars of convenience.

“Thou shall not kill.” is replaced with: “If an unborn child is inconvenient, remove the inconvenience.”


The Thousand Year Reign ended when evil “came out of the abyss”. A Living Vanity ended The Thousand Year Reign. We know who personifies the evil that “came out of the abyss” in Rev 20: 1-8.

If the world was Catholic, the world would be a better place.

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