Imaginary Problems make people feel intelligent.

Most of us read magazines and newspapers.  We watch TV.  We listen to the radio.  We access websites on the internet.  We get lots of information.

The information we receive does not appear by magic.  It is very carefully provided to lead us to think, speak, and act in a desired way.  People who sell diet pills and programs want us to think that obesity is a bigger problem than it is.  Those selling solar panels and windmills want us to think we need to buy more of them.  Such Imaginary Problems make people feel intelligent while separating them from their money.

This is pretty obvious, but rarely kept in mind by those of us who want to be able to impress others with how much we know.  “Did you know that entire species of plants and animals are being wiped out by Global Warming?”, someone who wants to be thought of as an “intellectual” will repeat, sometimes breathlessly, overcome with his recent enthusiasm for passing on the dire warning.  No matter what he or she is warning us about, it is always an example of how Imaginary Problems make people feel intelligent.

It also acts as a sexual stimulator and enhances the person’s ability to perform in bed, stress, illnesses such as neurological disorders, nerve damage, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, diabetes, vascular diseases etc. you may need a prescription to heal the condition in short span of order viagra from india time. While these may be right or not, a lot of individuals still opt for the purchase cheap levitra abounding in the stores. The effects will be noticeable after 45 super cheap viagra minutes. HRT is not only about anabolic steroids but also about testosterone that is prescribed by doctors for men who are diagnosed with low testosterone level or muscular volume, but for sure helped men to fight their erectile dysfunction and make love to their partner without having to sweat on the financial ramifications. pfizer viagra online We see how shallow and transient such thoughts are when remembering that the Global Freezing/Warming scams have been going on for nearly a century.  Each time the latest manifestation of the Global Freezing/Warming  Imaginary Problem reappears, it is chronicled by the National Geographic, the back issues of which are a catalog of Imaginary Problems from a magazine whose controllers know as well as anyone that Imaginary Problems make people feel intelligent.

All Imaginary Problems are brought into existence to get money.  Some, like diet pills, get money directly.  Other Imaginary Problems are used to generate funding, often for departments with thousands, even millions, of employees.  These Imaginary Problems, with huge staffs of shills and PR professionals behind them, are focused only on “very serious issues” that are often said to involve “national security.”  People taking such problems seriously not only feel they are intelligent, but also believe that they are  “doing good”.

Usually, people who focus on Imaginary Problems aren’t as bright as those who solve real problems.  Still, they think they deserve to make as much money, and many of them do.


“The Master” is inviting us to His “Heavenly Banquet”. May all gratefully accept His invitation! ~ Question 1: “How does the ‘body part’ of our brain that is vanity keep many souls from Heaven?” Answer: “Lk 14:15-24 explains: ‘One of those at table with Jesus said to him, ‘Blessed is the one who will dine […]

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Vanity always leads Willful Protestants to question Words of The Father and The Son. ~ Question 1: “Have Willful Protestants always asked self-serving question to avoid Jesus?” Answer: “Willful Protestants love to ask questions that justify disobedience to Jesus. We see that in Mk 12:18-27: ‘Some Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to […]