Independence Day.

Those of us proud of being Americans just celebrated our independence day. Each year on this date, we should try to see just how independent we are.

We are not free to deliver our own mail. We are not free to direct our own tax money to choose our own childrens’ education. In many areas, we are not free to drill our own wells or have our own septic tanks. We are not free to determine our maximum rate of taxation.

We are not free to buy our own medicine. We cannot drive paying passengers in our own bus. Often, we are not free to smoke. We cannot be free to buy drugs cheaply.

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The only people who can celebrate Independence Day are those who are independent. Every year, we have less to celebrate.

As one opponent of the Revolutionary War said, “Am I better off being ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away, or is it better to be ruled by three thousand tyrants one mile away?


The Power of Jesus can let us all stand up straight before God at Judgment. ~ Question 1: “Does Jesus tell us to control our ‘body parts’ in Romans 8:12-16?” Answer: “That is clear! ‘Brothers and sisters, we are not debtors to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according […]

May we all be blessed to get on, and stay on, The Ladder to Heaven! ~ Question 1: “Whose souls suffer the most in hell?” Answer: “Dante gave us an answer in ‘The Divine Comedy’. He named three souls in the lowest circle of hell: Brutus, Judas, and Mohammed.” ~ Question 2: “Did they all […]

Catholics are blessed! God lets us see the difference between Jesus and “human saviors”. ~ Question 1: “What is ‘The Great Gift God Gives Catholics’?” Answer: “God gives Catholics the joy of bringing immortal souls into the world!” ~ Question 2: “What makes Catholics different than others who are ‘Christian’?” Answer: “Catholics have Structure! It […]