Redefining God.

The definition of God as “Father Who loves us.”, describes His feelings more than His power.

Defining Him as “Father Who loves us and Who can program in three dimensions.” lets us begin to realize His feelings and His power.

When we see how our own sloth often makes us resentful of having to rethink things, we get an idea of how hard it is to get others to rearrange the particles in their minds.

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In the “Books and Excerpts” section, you can download “New Road to Rome” right now, and at no cost.

Skim through it (as if that’s not what you’d do anyway) and just read the points of interest. It helps understand the new definition of God: “The Father Who loves us and can program in three dimensions.”


May we all be blessed to care enough about our soul to get it ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus gave to one person and one Church on earth. ~ Question 1: “Why do Catholics think our soul is the most important thing we have?” Answer: “Our soul will live forever in […]

Catholics know:  “History is a record of Happy Families and those who hate them.” ~ Question 1: “How can I be part of what God promised Isaiah He would create in Is 65:17-21:  ‘Thus says The Lord:  Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth;  The things of the past shall not […]

Those who love God and their neighbors “choose Life”.  Others do not. ~ Question 1:  What are every person’s ‘destinations’ that God revealed to Moses?” Answer:  “Todays Reading includes Dt. 30:15-20.  ‘Moses said to the people:  ‘Today I have set before you life and prosperity or death and doom.’  Those are the only possible destinations […]