Are intelligent women demanding higher levels of carbon dioxide?

Many times in history, levels of carbon dioxide have risen to thousands of parts per million. Today, those levels have dropped to 375 ppm. When those levels begin to approach one thousand ppm, one researcher has conjectured that people will be able to make their own diamonds out of the very air.

What happens is this: When air with high levels of carbon dioxide is blown over a collector, the molecules of carbon dioxide may be separated, and sent into a special container. This is charged to separate the carbon, using safe, clean, wind and solar-powered generators.

The “distilled”, perfectly pure carbon molecules are then “stacked” in a special magnetic chamber. The proper magnetic and electrical charges cause them to agglutinate, “stacking” the individual molecules together the same way they are compressed deep under the earth. At one stage of this process, lumps indistinguishable from coal, but clearer, are produced. When further vacuum-vibrated with oscillating lasers, these lumps settle into the same consistency as diamonds, but they are purer, more flawless, and better in every way.

Costs for an absolutely perfect, colorless, flawless diamond as large as a hen’s egg, which can be produced every few weeks with each collector/stacker/vibrating oscillator unit, are reported to be less than $600.00.

While existing diamond producers race to build endless batteries of carbon dioxide collector/stackers, they are paying vast sums to keep more carbon dioxide out of the air, thus threatening their monopoly. The entire global warming problem began, in fact, when the world’s largest producer discovered that perfect diamonds, made out of air with high levels of carbon dioxide, could undermine and destroy their world-wide domination of the diamond market.
