Into the Pit

Our Creed tells us that “He descended into Hell.” Today commemorates the First Saturday after the First Good Friday. That was the day Jesus went into Hell to bring forth the souls meant to be freed. Dante described Hell in some detail in the Inferno. Dante described how many of the structures in Hell were destroyed by Christ. He overturned everything necessary to release the souls that the virus had hidden away.

No demon could stand up to Him. All recoiled in terror before Him. All the souls meant to be freed were set free.

Catholic Fundamentalism looks at His journey through Hell as a programmer erasing errors on a disc. The living bits that were once people, the trapped souls in Hell, were chained in error, stuck among the virus and his viruses.

The Living Program, perfect in every way, saved those who should have been saved from the errors that kept them locked away. He cleansed them of their viruses.

Their individual, conscious charges gleamed, again, and would do so for all the time to come.
