“Is it impossible for Willful Protestants to be happy?”

.                                     We cannot find ‘happiness’ if we reject Any Word of ‘the Divine Essence of God’.”

Question 1. “Why would anyone ask ‘Is it impossible for Willful Protestants to be happy?’

Answer:  “St. Thomas Aquinas was a genius.  His thoughts must be considered: ‘ Man’s final and complete happiness can consist only in contemplating the Divine Essence .  .  .’


Question 2: “Is Jesus Christ ‘The Divine Essence’ of God on earth?”

Answer:  “Yes. God took Human Form and came to earth in Fulfillment of The Prophecies.”


Question 3:  “Can we find ‘happiness’ by believing in and obeying Teachings from, Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “We can achieve the greatest ‘happiness’ on earth by doing that.”


Question 4:  “Can we have perfect happiness while we are on earth?”

Answer: “We can come close!   ‘ .  . although the possibility of this contemplation remains withheld from us until we are in the world to come.’


Question 5:  “What keeps us unhappy?”

Answer:  “Aquinas is very clear about that!  ‘As long as man desires and seeks something, he remains unhappy.'”


Question 7:  “What do we have to do to be happy?”

Answer:  “‘The intellect seeks the essence of a thing.’  We cannot find ‘happiness’ until we successfully seek the ‘essence’ of God on earth.”


Question 8: “What is ‘the Divine Essence’ of God on earth that we can find?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ is ‘the Divine Essence’ of God on earth.  Jesus Christ Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church into being on earth with His Word.”


Question 9:  “With what Word did Jesus Christ speak ‘the Divine Essence’ of God into being on earth?

Answer:  “‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 10:   “Is it possible to find ‘happiness’ if we choose to live in disobedience to That Word from ‘the essence of God’?”

Answer:  “We are ‘made in the image of God’.  It is impossible to find ‘happiness’ if we refuse to obey Any Word of He Who made us.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.  catholicfundamentalism.com
