Is “Micro-Catholicism” new? No. It is very old.

Is “Micro-Catholicism” new? No. It is very old. Catholics know that. The Prophet Elijah gave us a hint of “Micro-Catholicism” when God let Elijah see Him.

God was a “gentle whisper” that followed a “mountain-smashing wind”. God’s Power was shown by His comparative “smallness” to the things He Created.


Jesus Christ came to earth when The Holy Ova of His Blessed Mother became man by The Power of The Holy Spirit. Like us, Jesus was no bigger than a grain of salt when His Blessed Mother said, “Yes. I will be the handmaid of The Lord”!

Catholics know that! Catholics love God for becoming as small as we are. He shows us how much bigger we may be!


Jesus included His Promise of Infallible Catholic Teaching within his Only Church-Founding Decree:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


An ancient and Infallible Catholic Teaching introduces our age to “Micro-Catholicism”. “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

The largest human cell is a woman’s ova. It is the size of a small grain of salt. When we were conceived, we were the size of a grain of salt.

We were, in a word, “microscopic”. “Micro-Catholicism” recognizes that.

We think about the grain of salt-sized being that each of us once was. And, we realize that our ancestors’ DNA molecules that made “us” are in that tiny world.


Catholics obey Jesus’ command: “Love your neighbors.” So, we love neighbors who are as small as a grain of salt!

Catholics believe that The Profiteers of Protestantism do a great evil by refusing to provide written condemnation of abortion, pills, and implants. Confusion kills billions of our unborn neighbors.


Those blessed to understand Micro-Catholicism obey the clear, written Catholic Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Many do not love God or their neighbors enough to obey Jesus and obey The Only Church He Founded.
