Is our “Book of Life” a “Movie” of our life?

. Jesus lets us see that He gave His Catholic priests the power to keep us from The Judgment we deserve when our “Book of Life” is read.


Question 1: “Will God will read our ‘Book of Life’ when He passes Judgment on our soul?”

Answer: “Yes. In earthly courtrooms, Judges will often tell the person being sentenced what they think about them. God may do that in a complete and thorough way when He Judges us.”


Question 2: “How could God do that?”

Answer: “Think of our ‘Book of Life’ as a ‘Movie’ or ‘Television Show of Our Life’. Important ‘scenes’ in our ‘Movie of Life’ may be played back to us when passes His Judgment on how we have lived our life.”


Question 3: “Will we be able to see both the harm and the good we did to other people while we were living our life?”

Answer: “Every good and bad effect of our lives will be made clear. We may be shown scenes from the lives of other people to show us how both our sins and our good deeds affected entire generations of our families and neighbors.”


Question 4: “Which sins are the worst?”

Answer: “The worst sins hurt the most people for the longest time.”


Question 5: “Are sins that bring death to others the worst sins?”

Answer: “Yes. All of our thoughts, words, and deeds on earth either defend or attack One Catholic Teaching.


Question 6: “What is The One Catholic Teaching that God wants every person on earth to obey?”

Answer: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 7: “Is that how Jesus knows if we are obeying His Two Great Commands: ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’?”

Answer: “Those who ‘love God and their neighbors as themselves’ will think, speak, and work to ‘protect life from conception until natural death.’


Question 8: “When our ‘Book (or Movie!) of Life’ is opened, will the actual numbers of people we hurt and helped be visible to God and to us?”

Answer: “Those numbers are part of our Judgment.”


Question 9: “Is there any way to be forgiven for not protecting our neighbors?”

Answer: “Catholics see that Jesus Christ gave His Catholic priests This Power in John 20:23! ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven’. Catholics receive Absolution from our priests after Confessing our sins.”


Question 10: “Why isn’t every Christian a confessing Catholic seeking Absolution?”

Answer: “Some do not understand WHO Jesus IS. Others do not want to understand. They can only be judged by the numbers recorded in their ‘Book (or Movie) of Life’.”

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