Israel + Greece + Rome + Parthia = Christmas! 3.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

. Catholics do Simple Arithmetic that adds up to Christmas!


Question 1: “How do Catholics add up Israel + Greece + Rome + Parthia and get ‘Christmas!’?”

Answer: “The Catholic Church was built on Faith and Logic. Our ‘Faith’ began when Abraham obeyed God and moved his family to Israel.”


Question 2: “Where did ‘Logic’ come from?”

Answer: “Formalized ‘Logic’ began with Socrates and Plato. It took form in writings of Aristotle from Greece. He personally taught ‘Logic’ TO Alexander The Great so well that he could think more clearly than all those he attacked!

That is why Greek schools taught ‘Logic’ to the brightest young men in Israel, Syria, Egypt, and Turkey, Iran, and Iraq for the next 2-300 years. Greek generals of Alexander, and their ruling descendants, wanted to pass on their Kingdoms to those who would maintain their families in power.

. Greek Schools taught Aristotle’s Logic to students in these nations for 300 years before it was time for Jesus to Fulfill The Prophecies in Bethlehem.


Question 3: “When did Rome enter the picture?”

Answer: “In 753, Rome was founded. Romans had a way to let their smartest people become military commanders. When their nation got too big and complicated, it had to be run by an Emperor. Augustus was The Emperor who brought order to The Empire and more Roman forces into Israel. Jerusalem was between the Empire of The Romans and The Parthians.

. Jerusalem was on the Eastern end of The Roman Empire. Parthia was the huge Empire between Jerusalem and India.


Question 4: “Where did Parthia come from?”

Answer: “Parthia began in Israel. The Ten Northern Tribes had rebelled when King Solomon’s son raised their taxes! They formed their own country in Samaria, in the lands North of Jerusalem. The Assyrians began conquering their lands in 720 BC. Huge territories were emptied. Tens and hundreds of thousands of people in The Ten Northern Tribes were sent North and East, ‘beyond The Euphrates River’.”

The Parthian Empire began when The Ten Tribes of Israel were moved into the lands they took away from Greece by 250 BC.


Question 5: “What happened after that?”

Answer: “Alexander’s generals from Greece took over. The smartest young men in their nations were taught Logic. Those who were Parthian also learned many Teachings from their own people about their connection to Abraham and Moses. Many returned to following Jewish Teachings. Those in Armenia became The First Catholic Nation!”


Question 6: “We can all understand how we may add Israel, Greece, Rome, and Parthia. How does that equal ‘Christmas!’“?

Answer: “Logic from Greece lets us see that Faith from Israel took form in Rome and Parthia by letting us see Truth! Prophecies about The Messiah became Truth and took Human Form on Christmas!.

Catholics know! ‘Israel + Greece + Rome + Parthia = Christmas!’


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