Jesus gave us two kinds of commands.

Jesus gave us two kinds of commands. He gave us Direct Commands, as in “Love God with all your heart and mind and love your neighbor as yourself.”

He also He also gave us Indirect Commands.  Indirect Commands make His wishes and preferences clear for those who truly seek to follow most fully.

Today’s Gospel Reading is from John 14: 21-26

“Jesus said to His disciples:
‘Whoever has My commandments and observes them
is the one who loves Me. 
(Note, He did not say “some” of My commands, but “.  In this Indirect Commandment from Jesus, there is clearly One Church and those who follow His Indirect Commands will be in it because they are “the one(s) who love Me”.)
Whoever loves Me will be loved by My Father,
and I will love him and reveal Myself to him.’
(When considering the above Indirect Commandment, we may be reminded of “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”  Clearly, that is an Indirect Commandment that, if we want to be a person who “has My commandments and observes them” take Communion in The Roman Catholic Church because it is the only place on earth that provides His Body to eat and His Blood to drink.)
“Judas, not the Iscariot, said to him,
‘Master, then what happened that You will reveal Yourself to us
and not to the world?’
Jesus answered and said to him,
‘Whoever loves Me will keep My Word,
and my Father will love him,
and We will come to him and make Our dwelling with him.
(Clearly, “whoever loves Me will keep My Word, ”  “My Word”  includes His commandments, both Direct and Indirect.)
Whoever does not love Me does not keep My Words;
(This is about as plain as it can be.  It is a simple, direct phrase that tells us that, to be saved, we must “keep My Words”.  If we do not love Him, we do not “keep His words”.  Once again,it does not limit the words we must keep to a few, but we are called to “keep My Words”.
yet the word you hear is not Mine
but that of the Father who sent Me.’I have told you this while I am with you.
The Advocate, the Holy Spirit
whom the Father will send in My Name–
He will teach you everything
and remind you of all that I told you.’”
Jesus gave us two kinds of commands, direct and indirect.  He made it clear that we are to “keep My Words”, which we may reasonable conclude means that we should obey His Indirect Commands.Two of His indirect commands are very important:  “Thou art Peter, and on this rock, I build My Church.” tells us that He began one Church, built on Peter, the First Pope.The second important indirect command is:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”  Since the only place on earth that provides His Body and Blood is the Roman Catholic Church, if we want to have life in us, we must take Communion in a Roman Catholic Church.Jesus gave us two kinds of commands.  We should endeavor to find and obey both kinds.
