Jesus is unavoidable.


Jesus is unavoidable.  Prophecies predicted The Messiah in great detail.  He was born at the appointed time and place.  He was born of the prophesied Tribe of Judah and among the few in The House of David.  He was “lifted up before men”.  “They looked upon He Whom they pierced”“No bone of His was broken”“His bones were visible.” from the scourging He suffered.

The correct Prophecies were separated from many counterfeit scrolls by The Catholic Church.  The Dead Sea Scrolls, written long before He came showed that The Bible compiled by The Catholic Church was correct.

Jesus is unavoidable.  So is The Only Church He Founded.

He said, “I come to divide.”  All are divided into Catholic and non-Catholic by His Great Winnowing Command:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

He repeated that 14 times.   His Apostles repeated it six more times.

The only way to obey is to receive Catholic Communion.  At every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper, His Actual Body and Blood have been provided from bread and wine by a Catholic priest ordained in living link with His ordination of The Apostles.

This is more than many want to believe.  “Catholics take Jesus too seriously!   I do not want to have to follow all those Catholic rules and regulations.”

Many seek easier ways to Heaven in 45,000 different denominations that promise Heaven.   “Pastor Bob says I don’t have to listen to all those Catholic rules!    His says that I can get to Heaven if I am a ‘good person’.  I am a ‘good person’!  Pastor Bob  makes things easy!”

Jesus’ clear call to Catholic Communion cannot be denied.  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Those who obey may be blessed to be among those of whom He said:   “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Jesus is unavoidable.  Obedience is not.
