How to know how smart you are.

Now that the Climategate exposure of massive, endemic self-serving lies among the global warming profiteers has thoroughly identified the the whole thing as a mammoth fraud, we can ask, “What do my thoughts about global warming say about my own intelligence?”

The answer is simple:

If you understood that Global Warming was a fraud ten years ago, you are a genius.

If you began to see the fraud five years ago, you are of Superior Intelligence.

If you first considered that Global Warming was a crock two and a half years ago, you are above average in intelligence.

If you only realized in the past year or so that the whole Global Freezing/Global Warming/Climate Change was just silly, you have an average IQ.  If you bought a Prius, installed solar panels, or invested in windmills, you have let everyone realize that your intellectual acuity is either remarkably average, or slightly below.

Those who continue to believe are on the far left half of the bell curve, near the “virtual moron” section.  The more fervently they believe, the farther to the left they are, plumbing the very depths of mindlessness.

The Big Lie:


By looking at the graph, we see the difference between reality and fraud.  The “virtual morons” among us include all those minds unable to understand and admit that all but the green line on this graph represents a colossal lie.  Wide-eyed believers in the fraud were, of course, not born as “virtual morons”.  Embracing lies actually destroys the mind, making “virtual morons” out of people who otherwise might be quite intelligent.

One of thousands of the Little Lies that have been woven into the Big Lie:

Tens of thousands of smaller graphs, illustrating the adjustments of individual temperature recording stations all over the world show the lesser liars at work, providing the warp and weft with which the larger lie is woven:

Here we see a red “liar-line” that is said to show long term warming that can be used to show the “grave dangers” that Global Warming will do to the planet.

The blue line shows the actual readings of this particular temperature station.  The “virtual morons”, their poor minds unhinged by a steady diet of lies, still defend the “adjustments” confirmed by the black line, the precise reasons for which are strangely unavailable.

The black line shows exactly how much they lied, distorting a hundred and thirty years of facts with a hundred and thirty years of fraud.  With every lie, they move farther from truth, their minds progressing ever more deeply into a never-never world of willful nincompoopery, their poor souls following along.

We have seen how their lies go through time.  They also cover great distances.  Similar distortions, equally complex and cunning, have been used at thousands of weather stations all over the world, brought together by the dozen or so “peer-reviewed scientists” who have been orchestrating the entire process while garnering billions of dollars for those who pay their salaries.

Another “little lie” that’s been woven into the Big Lie of Global Warming:

A close look at the green line on the left shows two lies.  First, it disappears. The graph’s producer wanted readers to think it was there, and that it’s upward movement is “hidden” among the spaghetti.  The second lie becomes apparent on examination.  Before the green line disappears, a close look shows that it’s been given a slight tilt to make it look as if it’s heading upwards.  It’s actual path is in the graph on the left, showing why it had to be removed from the Global Warmers’ “scientific analysis”.

Despite lies as obvious as the three examples above make clear, the journalists and broadcast media in thrall to those who wish to have more power over us continue to ignore truth.  At the same time, they wonder why their jobs, raises, readership, circulation, and audience are disappearing.  With every lie, their own careers become more precarious.  Rather than confessing their participation in the fraud, they compound it with more lies, an ever-flowing fountain of which flows from them to the ever fewer who believe anything they say.

Respect for journalistic integrity is evaporating as most journalists seem driven to make used car salesmen look like pillars of trustworthiness when compared to the shameless shilling they’ve been doing for Imaginary Problems like global warming.
