Leftists defend a woman’s right to kill a girl.

Many women who are carrying a female baby in their womb will abort it simply because it isn’t a little boy.

This is the most brutal discrimination of all.

Yesterday, the House of Representatives refused to pass a law that would make it illegal for an abortionist to kill an unborn baby girl simply for being a baby girl.

“It wouldn’t be fair.”, they said, unwilling to protect innocent life.  So, we now live in a nation whose representatives have freely chosen allow the littlest girls to be killed, simply for being what they are.
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It was the Democratic Party members who led the move to let the intentional slaughter of unborn baby girls to go on.  At the same time, the same Party accuses the Republicans of “waging a war on women”.  Seldom has the zeal for death been justified with such shallow thinking and such obvious hypocrisy.

Leftists, in general, and Democrats, in particular, have given older women the right to kill a helpless, innocent, little girl simply because she is a helpless, innocent, little girl.

Few seem to notice legislation that’s indistinguishable from allowing first degree murder.  Such thinking is the hallmark of the culture of death.


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