
The latest edition of Culture Wars mentions Libya, and offers a theory about why the sudden revolt was instituted.

The magazine reports that Khaddafi had 144 tons of gold in his fiscal reserves. Those vast riches were utterly beyond the control of all other nations and the near-universal banking system that recently threw the world into recession.

Additionally, Libya provided nearly free water for its people from a vast aquifer in the South. Medical care was provided at practically no cost in modern, up-to-date hospitals and facilities. When a young Libyan couple got married, they immediately qualified for an immediate, low-interest loan of $50,000.00 with no scheduled repayment date. On top of that, cars and gasoline were heavily subsidized by the Libyan government and provided at the lowest individual transportation costs of any nation.

International bankers and foreign leader/looters did not like what they saw as a destabilizing influence. “What!”, one can imagine them shouting in outrage, “A leader who cares about his people! We can’t have that!”

Buttressing the Culture Wars analysis: One of the first thing the “rebels” did was to charter a national bank. That was certainly an odd thing to do before the “revolution” even got started. Makes one wonder for whom the rebels were actually working.

A hundred and forty four tons of gold has no trouble finding people to work, and to kill, for it, as the “allied forces” from several nations indicate.
