The lies become blatantly obvious. Pray for the souls of those who tell them.

Catholic Fundamentalists love the Global Warming lies because they’re so good at exposing the shallowness of the other side.  In the beginning of the Global Warming lies, a Congressional hearing, featuring James Hansen, was carefully orchestrated.

Mr. Hansen and his supporters were able to jigger with the air conditioning system in the room in the Capitol Building in which his testimony took place.  So, the room was warm and Mr. Hansen was perspiring as he showed this chart:

It’s easy, now in 2008, to see how far the Global Warming Lies differ from reality.  Where Mr. Hansen’s chart clearly shows the temperature that he wished for would be a degree above what he called “normal” and looks to be rapidly racing toward the boiling point.

Instead, the temperature now pretty close to normal, almost 2 full degrees colder than what Mr. Hansen predicted.  And, because the sun, a million times bigger than the earth and only 9 light-minutes away, is now putting out less energy than usually, the temperatures are, as the red line indicates, dropping.

So, even more lies have to be told.  Each lie drives its teller more deeply into the agony of the eternal abyss.  From our point of view, it’s horribly, horribly sad that so many souls will have to suffer for such a long, long time.

The Father of Lies, however, is never sated with the souls of those who do his work.
