Life Begins at Conception, not Implantation

The Church has been consistent in the position that life begins at conception. That should be answer enough for those who don’t want to hold a position separate from Christ.

In the past month, Newt Gingrich has zoomed to the front of Republican candidates for the Republican nomination. He recently put forth the notion that life begins at implantation. He’s also a recent convert to Catholicism.

So, is there any good in pushing the idea that life begins at implantation? It’s profitable for the makers of birth control pills that work by keeping the growing embryo from attaching itself to the mother so that it can grow into what it’s programmed to become. They don’t want to think of themselves as, or be called “baby-killers”. If they can believe life begins at conception, those who make and take such pills get rid of a lot of guilt while on earth.

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Is there any good in Gingrich’s position? It’s certainly better than the belief that no unborn child can ever be considered as a person with rights. It is a vast improvement on believing that abortion-on-demand is a right. Defining life as beginning at implantation at least moves the debate closer to protecting more human lives.

Nevertheless, his position is not Catholic, so it can’t be right. But, it may end up being the best on the ballot. It is certainly better than the most viciously pro-abortion President in history.


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