Little dead places in the brain.

A great mystery about the living, the dead, and the underlying reality of zombies must be considered by those in the forefront of Catholic thought.

The mystery begins with Christ’s words, passed on to us by St. John in John 6: 53. Jesus tells both His early followers as well as those in later centuries “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
At The Last Supper, those words became clear. Those who fully believed in Jesus would be able to receive His Body and Blood. That Holy Food was transformed from bread and wine by the power of priests ordained in a living link with Christ’s ordination of The Apostles.

So, there are two types of Christians. Catholics obediently participate in the representation of His Sacrifice at the Catholic Mass and receive His Body and Blood and other Sacraments.

Others, despite calling themselves “Christian” do not have clergy empowered by being in a living link with The Apostles whom Jesus ordained. The “somewhat Christian” separate themselves from The Church He Founded and Christ’s actual Body and Blood. They are in one of the 40,000 schisms.

Now, the Heart of The Mystery: Jesus said to those who refused His Church’s Communion “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” So, hundreds of millions of our neighbors choose not to “eat His Body and drink His Blood” but they walk, talk, and seem to be alive.

The mystery deepens when some in schism may say, “Jesus said I would be dead if I didn’t receive Catholic Communion, but I am alive. You can hear my words. You can watch me move around. If I can be alive without eating His Body and drinking His Blood, so can you.”

Catholic Fundamentalism respectfully suggests a solution to the Great Mystery: “How can a person who refuses to eat His Body and drink His Blood have life in them.” The “life” they have is partial. There are trillions of neural connections in the brain. Those who do not eat His Body and drink His Blood have some of those important intersections shut down. Little dead places in the brain.

When we listen to those who refuse to be in The Church He Founded, we see how they avoid His direct words “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” Those words are clear, simple, and direct. Why don’t people heed them? Those words hit Little dead places in their brain. They prefer that to having their minds come more completely alive and overwhelm some vain structure they’re fond of. We watch them turn to dissimulation, deception, and avoidance.

Listen to their silly excuses for avoiding Jesus’ instructions. You’ll see: “It’s true! Little dead places in their brains keep them from hearing obeying Jesus!” Watch out for them. You’ll see it. Little dead places in the brain.

Miraculously, those neural connections come more fully alive when a person does what is necessary to receive His life-giving Body and Blood at the hands of a Catholic priest in a living link with the Apostles ordained by Jesus.
