Looking for ultimate truth.

Looking for ultimate truth. Truth is hard to find. A simple statement like” one plus one makes two ” is always true in the abstract but is never true in reality. One apple plus one apple are never exactly two apples because molecules are always leaving the apples at different rates. We know that because apples have an odor.

It may be true that “one apple and one apple are two apples at absolute zero”, but that presupposes that they will still be identifiable as apples.

Once we see the difficulty of finding “one”, we see that everything based on “one” is always changing. Even “one dollar plus one dollar makes two dollars” is suspect because the value of the dollars are changing every minute. By the time we’ve said the second “one dollar”, it’s value has changed. On one hundred different exchanges the dollar may have, or will have, dozens of different values.

Catholic Fundamentalists do not really care about the general or specific of such things. A good example of ultimate truth for Catholic Fundamentalists is “No one needs any more tattoos.”
