Loons & Goons

Sanity and success go hand in hand with nations, families, organizations, and people. When lunacy triumphs over rational logic, failure follows.

In our day, nations are burdened with “green” generators of electricity. The “greens” prefer that we get our power from windmills and solar panels, even though such power goes on and off sporadically, can’t be stored, and costs over $1.00/kilowatt hour. Large nuclear reactors, on the other hand, produce reliable power for two or three cents/kilowatt hour.

It is insane to drive energy prices up thirty or forty-fold. To make this lunacy appear to be sane, it is said that “We must stop global freezing/warming.” No changes in human-changed climate has been observed. One conclusion is that we are ruled by loons.
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When we protest, and try to reduce such waste, various types of goons appear. Some use the media to bully and berate those who would stop the waste. Brighter goons seize control of political systems. Less intelligent, more violently brutal head-busters appear at voting booths and demonstrations.

Loons and goons go hand in hand. There is no place in a sane world for either. They know this. They understand better than we that they are fighting for the survival of the lunacies that sustain their individual failures to love God and their neighbors. They are waging war to protect the rights of the insane.


Question 1: “Why is it important for a person to be able meaningfully say ‘Jesus, I trust in You.’” Answer: “Those who ‘trust’ in Jesus can get their souls into Heaven.” ~ Question 2: “Can those who ‘believe’ in Jesus get their souls into Heaven?” Answer: “If they let their belief become ‘trust’.” ~ Question […]

Only Catholics can think clearly enough to see a simple reason for God to have sent 2 trillion galaxies spinning through space! ~ Question 1:  “What is the question that makes Catholics ask:  ‘Does God have This Much Power?’” Answer:  “Billions of people have been led to disobey God.  Most of us do not bring […]

May all be blessed to realize that the “Body Parts” of Jesus are the “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”! ~ Question 1: “What does St. Paul warn us all about our ‘body parts’ in Romans 6:19-23?” Answer: “If we eat too much, we are being led into gluttony by the evil spirit that wants […]