Lukewarm Catholics


Lukewarm Catholics prefer popularity to truth.  Their response to anti-Catholic denominations is weak.   “Good people go to Heaven.  You seem to be a good person.”   That does eternal damage by encouraging continued error.

One can picture Lukewarm Catholics inviting  the improperly dressed man to The Wedding Feast.   “We know you don’t want to be dressed for the occasion, but come in, anyway!   You seem like a good person.”  Not wise!

Luke 20:  1 ‘My friend,’ he said, how didst thou come to be here without a wedding-garment? And he made no reply.   Whereupon the king said to his servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and cast him out into the darkness, where there shall be weeping, and gnashing of teeth.’  Many are called, but few are chosen.”

Lukewarm Catholics make the mistake of implying the “invitation to Heaven”  includes those who refuse to obey “the dress code”.  The “dress code” includes the willingness to humbly obey the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated EIGHTEEN TIMES:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Lukewarm Catholics avoid mentioning the “dress code” for fear of causing offense.  Lukewarm Catholics have a hard time dealing directly with:  “All 45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations are automatically wrong because they are separated from The Only Church Jesus Founded.”  Lukewarm Catholics are more offended by “hurting someone’s feelings” than by facing the vanity that often causes that separation.

Lukewarm Catholics are good at smiling kindly, nodding wisely, and appearing to agree with whatever silliness they hear.  Lukewarm Catholics may consider Rev. 3: 16,   “Being what thou art, lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, thou wilt make me vomit thee out of my mouth.”
