Lunacies of the Left.

One of the most amazing brain-deadnesses in our times concerns the ease with which the Jewish people are distracted from real danger. Many of them are successfully led to worry about the usual “dangers” whom generations of professional fund-raisers have magnified into successful excuses for perennial fund-raising. Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, and the KKK are their popular excuses to raise funds to “study” the problem and “take steps”. Those who’ve donated to such things in the past are naturally reluctant to admit they’ve been played for suckers, so they feel compelled to “keep on giving”.

While all this studying and step-taking is done, little mention is made of Moslems, who have hated, are hating, and will continue to hate Jews with a virulence unmatched by any of the skinheads, Neo-Nazis, and KKK members. It has, in fact, been suggested that the tiny handful of such people (there may be a few hundred such people, altogether, and most of them are government infiltrators) should be ignored, at which time these comparative amateurs would completely disappear. Few things, in fact, make professional alarmists in this field happier than finding, usually in some isolated bar, a “group” of “vicious, well-armed racists”.

More of these tiny groups of largely imaginary bogeymen are needed to provide excuses for fund-raising so that people can feel they are “protected from racism on the right”. Most of those convinced to contribute to such fund-raisers never spend a moment thinking that they have good reason to fear a greater danger from the billion or so Moslems, many of whom are rapidly invading, through “legal immigration” countries in which they have grown fat, lazy, and bamboozled into focusing on imaginary problems. Moslems have been intentionally and successfully driving Jews out of many cities and areas in Europe. For some mysterious and irrational reason, Jewish people allow their fears to be carefully focused on the most innocuous of their enemies. Most Jews do not, and will not, see that their real enemies are rapidly gathering the strength to destroy them.

NYC’s Mayor Bloomberg is, at this very moment, helping the people who are sworn to wipe him, his relatives, and all his co-religionists off the face of the earth. He thinks he can appease them if he agrees to let them build a rallying point at the site of their most successful terrorist attack against the United States. Such “enlightenment” is typical among those on the left, to whom their own destruction is the sum total of their thoughts, words, and deeds. It gives deeper understanding the the fullness of meaning behind “the wages of sin is death”.
