“Many are called, few are chosen.”

It’s natural that we want ourselves, our family, friends, and neighbors to go to Heaven. We are told in Mt 22:14 “Many are called, few are chosen.”

We reasonably assume that that “many” and “few” were selected from “all”, “many”, “few”, and “none”. So, the combinations are few:

1. “All are called, all are chosen.”, “All are called, many are chosen.”, “All are called, few are chosen.”, “All are called, none are chosen.”
2. “Many are called, all are chosen.”, “Many are called, many are chosen.”, “Many are called, few are chosen.”, “Many are called, none are chosen.”
3. “Few are called, all are chosen.”, “Few are called, many are chosen.”, “Few are called, few are chosen.”, “Few are called, none are chosen.”
4. “None are called, none are chosen.”

We see that not all are called. Of those called, not all are chosen.

“Many are called, few are chosen.” concludes Jesus’ comparing The Kingdom of Heaven to a wedding feast. The original invitees, the Jews, ignored the invitation. So, angels asked everyone they met to attend. One attendee was not wearing the appropriate clothing.

He was “bound hand and foot and thrown into the darkness” because he had refused to follow the rules.

One of the rules? “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Best to play it safe. Be Catholic. Who wants to risk being thrown out of Heaven for ignoring the required spiritual dress code? “Many are called, few are chosen.”
