Many realize: Protestantism is the root of all evil. 14

The greatest evil does the greatest harm for the longest time. Therefore: The greatest evil is done to immortal souls!

How do The Profiteers of Protestantism make a living? They keep their donors’ soul from having “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”!

Those who understand realize that “Protestantism causes the greatest evil on earth!”


For 2,000 years, The Profiteers of Protestantism have kept people from obeying This Instruction from Jesus Christ:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Billions of souls have been led to disobey That Instruction from Jesus Christ.

The Profiteers of Protestantism make a living by keeping donors from obtaining those “keys”!


Catholics ask simple questions.

1. Why do The Profiteers of Protestantism want their followers to reject “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”?

2. Do they want the immortal souls of their followers to be locked out of Heaven?

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Catholics know there are two kinds of Protestants.

1. Some Protestants do not know any better.

2. Some Protestants do not want to know any better!


Catholics know! Mortal Sin is the gravest of sins. “Mortal sin” is a “deliberate turning away from God and destroying love in the heart of the sinner.”

Those who lead others to reject “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” commit that Mortal Sin.

Their assault on “love” is accompanied by the Vanity that attacks Truth!

“We know more than Jesus Christ about getting into Heaven!”


That’s Protestantism!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.


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A thousand years before Jesus, God made “The Supreme Law of Scripture” very, very clear. ~ Question 1:   “Today’s Reading is from 1 Samuel, 24:3-21.  King Saul was so jealous of God’s Love for David that he led ‘3,000 picked soldiers’ to find and kill him.  Did God give David the same message that Jesus […]

“Popular Delusions” keep many from understanding that The Mercy of Jesus is the only thing that can get our immortal soul into Heaven. ~ Question 1:  “What ‘Popuar Delusion’ takes form in Willful Protestantism?” Answer:  “Every Willful Protestant disagrees with some Words of Jesus.  When that happens, every Willful Protestant shares their ‘Popular Delusion’:  ‘I […]