How do Catholics live by God’s Lesson to David and Saul three thousand years ago? #27.

A thousand years before Jesus, God made “The Supreme Law of Scripture” very, very clear.


Question 1:   “Today’s Reading is from 1 Samuel, 24:3-21.  King Saul was so jealous of God’s Love for David that he led ‘3,000 picked soldiers’ to find and kill him.  Did God give David the same message that Jesus gives to us:   ‘Do good to them that hurt you.  Love your neighbor as yourself.’?”

Answer:  “The Book of James 2:8 tells us:  ‘Well, the right thing to do is keep the Supreme Law of Scripture:  ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’”  David obeyed The Supreme Law of Scripture by not killing Saul when he had the chance.”


Question 2:  “Many of us people, families, and nations are like David.  We are threatened by people who want to destroy us.  Are we supposed to ‘love them as ourselves’?”

Answer:  “Catholics see what Saul did and said when he realized that David had spared his life when he was in a cave ‘relieving himself’:  First, ‘Saul wept aloud.  Saul then said to David: “You are in the right rather than I;  you have treated me generously, while I have done you harm.  Great is the generosity you showed me today, when The Lord delivered me into your grasp and you did not kill me.’


Question 3:  “What else did Saul say when he realized that God led David to spare his life?”

Answer:  Saul said one of the more amazing things in Scripture to the man he tried to kill!  ‘May The Lord rewared you generously for what you have done this day.’


Quesiton 4:  “After Saul said that, what did God do?”

Answer:  “God revealed This Prophetic Truth to Saul:  ‘And now, I know that you shall surely be king and that sovereignty over Israel shall come into your possession.’


Question 5:  Is God also Speaking That Word to every Catholic on earth?”

Answer:  “If we ‘love our neighbors as ourselves’, we will have ‘soverignty’ over ourselves.  When we drive out the demons that keep us from loving our neighbors, we become ‘Kings’ of the ever-growing ‘world’ that is our mind.

Today’s Reading from 2 Corinthians 5:19 confirms that.   ‘God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.’


When dealing with those who want to hurt us, Catholics strive to “Forgive and Forget.”  The better we do that, the more “sovereignty” we have over the world in our mind.  We are “reconciled’ with God and our beloved neighbors.


.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . <strong>is:</strong> Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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