Mary and The Trinity

During and after The American Revolution, John Adams was raising funds in Paris. A Protestant, Adams met high-ranking Catholics. One of them told Adams, “If The Church had decided there were Four, instead of Three in The Trinity, there would be Four.”

That has bothered Protestants ever since. “Just because Jesus said ‘Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ doesn’t mean they get to define the Nature of God. Does it?”

Their angst increases when they discover that Mary had been considered as a “Fourth Person”.

Catholics understand how important Mary is. “She gave birth to The Second Person of The Holy Trinity. Therefore, Mary is The Mother of God.” That conclusion cannot be argued by any. It is why many in the farther-out of the 43,000 schisms prefer a non-Trinitarian view of God. They simply cannot bear to think of Mary as “The Mother of God”, even though that is what she is known to be and is represented as such in their Christmas pageants.

It is plain from The Creed that The Holy Spirit, by Whom Jesus was conceived, was the Spouse of Mary.

Of all the women in the world, Mary said “Yes. I will be the handmaid of The Lord.” She is, therefore, the Obedient Daughter of The Father.

So, Mary is The Mother, Spouse, and Daughter of The Three Persons of The Holy Trinity.

The Doctors of The Church were led to understand that Mary was not God. She is the most perfect of all Created Entities. Her Nature and Being helps us better understand not only The Holy Trinity, but also, her importance in bringing God’s saving mercy to all mankind.

Mary and The Trinity help us understand the importance of all there is. Mary ties The Trinity together, and reveals to us more of the Sacred Nature of The Triune God.
