May all clergy focus more clearly on Baptism.

Sadly, there are fewer Baptisms than ever.

Sadly, there are fewer Baptisms than ever.


Question 1:  “What mistake do many Protestant clergy make?”

Answer:  “Many do not encourage Baptism.  Others overcomplicate it with Immersion Fonts or trips to bodies of water where the person must be ‘submerged’.  As a result, millions of Protestants are not Baptized.”


Question 2:  “Do unbaptized people have a harder time seeing the Truth of Jesus, including the foundation of every Christian Church:   ‘And  I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’“?

Answer:  “The unBaptized are kept from God by the cloud of Original Sin that Adam and Eve passed on to all their children.”


Question 3:  “At conception, the human body is the size of a grain of salt! How can there be enough room for ‘Original Sin’ inside?”

Answer:  “The speck of Original Sin may be no bigger than one electron in a grain of salt!  The Miracle of Baptism washes it away.”


Question 4:  “Does The Bible say Baptism is important?”

Answer:  “Leviticus 16:4 and 16:23-24 mention Levite priests being bathed in water before services.  John The Baptist Baptized both repentant sinners and Jesus Christ, Who wanted to symbolize The Power of Baptism, for all of His followers in Mark 1:9.  Luke 3:3, Acts 19:4, Romans 6:3, and 6:4 also tell us the importance of Baptism.”


Question 5:  “Catholics are required to have their babies Baptized.  What about non-Catholic babies?”

Answer:  “‘Enlightened’ believers stopped insisting on Baptism generations ago.  In the last hundred years, fewer have been Baptized.  Protestant ministers rarely ask congregations:  ‘Raise your hand if you have never been Baptized.’ and offer to do so.”


Question 6:  “Why don’t many Protestant ministers focus on the importance of Baptism?”

Answer:  “Many are afraid to lose donors who are insulted when anyone disagrees with their belief:  ‘My faith alone is all I need for Salvation.’


Question  7: “What could ministers do to save more souls?”

Answer:  “They may offer a ‘Baptism Sunday’ and sprinkle Holy Water on those being Baptized while announcing ‘I Baptize you in The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.’


Daily Simple Rhyme:  “Victims of Protestantism  /  souls kept from Baptism.”

