Modern Protestants don’t even know what The Catholic Doctrine of Subsidiarity is.

The Catholic Church believes in life and freedom.  To be meaningfully free, all of us must have the freedom to solve our own problems.

The Only Church Jesus Founded has a Social Principal, The Doctrine of Subsidiarity.  Modern Protestants don’t even know what The Catholic Doctrine of Subsidiarity is.

The Doctrine of Subsidiarity is The Catholic Church’s affirmation of our God-given ability to use our free will wisely.  According to The Doctrine of Subsidiarity:  “Problems must be solved at the lowest level possible.”

Individuals, families, and organizations must be free to solve their own problems.  That makes decisions meaningful.

Babylon hates that!  “We are smarter than the fools we rule!  We must solve the inferior people’s problems for them!”

Every problem, real or imaginary, becomes an opportunity for tax-funded, power-loving Babylonians!

Is drinking a problem?  “We must make it illegal for them to drink!  Prohibition is the answer!”

Is gambling a problem?  “We must take over gambling with state-controlled casinos and lotteries!”

Are drugs a problem?  “We must control drug production and distribution!  If we must put millions of addicts in jail, that’s even better!”

Is education a problem?  “We must take over public education!  No matter how much it costs!  No matter how bad a job we do!”

Is poverty a problem?  “We must declare ‘War on Poverty’!”

Is pollution a problem?  “We must clean up all the air, water, and earth in the world!”

For Babylonians, every problem is an opportunity for getting money from, and power over, citizens.  All are disguised with the three Great Lies of Babylon:

1 .”We are here to help you!”

2 . “This is a good program!”

3 .  “We just need a little more money!”

Modern Protestants don’t even know what The Catholic Doctrine of Subsidiarity is.  It is a great evangelizing tool for the smarter Protestants!

The smarter Protestants know that nowhere in Protestantism is there such such a brilliant, pithy recognition of the superiority of common sense over the meddling, self-serving profiteers of Babylon.

The Catholic Doctrine of Subsidiarity:  “Problems must be solved at the lowest possible level.”  It is one of the big reasons why the tyrants of every Babylon hate The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Those in the self-serving temples know:  “If people believe that Catholic stuff, we’d have to get real jobs!”

