Monday’s column provided a “Joseph/Pharaoh Theory” about the Global Warmers. It is widely applicable.

Those who understand that Global Warming is one of the largest frauds ever established by the elite often make the mistake of thinking that those who perpetuate and expand the problem are simply wrong. In that innocence, it is believed that their minds can be changed by hearing facts.

This is dangerous innocence. Those who invent and perpetuate frauds know full well that they are participating in a fraud. The purpose of all fraudsters is gaining wealth and power. That kind of wealth and power can only be gained by inflicting poverty and death on their neighbors.

In Monday’s column, we considered that those behind the Global Warming fraud are interested in gaining control of energy. Then, they can, like Joseph and the Pharaoh did with all the privately held land in Egypt, take advantage of the shortages they foresee and force people to trade the necessities of life for all the private property they once owned.

We see the same kind of lies told by those involved in medical frauds. We are endlessly regaled with the dangers of “obesity”. We are all encouraged to lose weight. That is bad for our health and our longevity. People who gain a small amount of weight every year tend to live longer. Those who lose too much weight tend to die younger.

Those who profit from obesity know this, as do those who read sites like Endless studies of large populations confirm that weight is hereditary, and that those who lose weight are often damaged by the process.

Using the word “obese” to describe those of us with normal weights is part of that fraud, which is designed to shorten our lives while taking enjoyment from us, undermining the positive images we should have of ourselves, and, in short, doing a little bit more to make us all miserable and dead.

As we extrapolate from this, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that every operation controlled by the worldliest of the elites engage is designed to hurt. The vast Empire of Public Education serves not to educate, but to dumb down and destroy. The “National Health Care” held out as a carrot is designed to shorten lives by rationing medicines, thus reducing outflows of Social Security payments. The energy agencies work hard to keep people from the clean, cheap power provided by nuclear energy.

We are surrounded by those who want to rob and kill us. We can only understand and pray for them to gain the enlightenment they need to renounce the Culture of Death and come to life.
