Money and morals make many attack The Catholic Church

Money makes many attack The Catholic Church.

1. 45,000 Protestant Denominations are painfully aware: “Every year, we lose our best and brightest members! They take Jesus so seriously they obey ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.‘ We lose their donations!”

2. Social Service professionals understand: “Those Catholic Charities help people find jobs and take better care of themselves! We get more funding if we keep more people dependent on us!

3. Medical establishments know: “Catholic Hospitals will not provide abortions. They won’t prescribe drugs and implants that get rid of the tiniest of unborn babies! They are costing us money!”

4. Public Educators know: “Millions of students are in Catholic schools. If we close them, we can hire more teachers and pay ourselves more! We’ll have billions more dollars every year!”

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The denominations of damnation hate Catholic Teachings that condemn their favored sins.

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2. Those obsessed by greed and gluttony hate Catholic requests to help the poor. “We would rather be bloated billionaires than help the destitute.”

3. Many love to hate. They hate entire groups of their neighbors. “I hate them! I love to hate them!”

4. Many give in to lust. They hate Catholic teachings about the wrongness of sex outside of Marriage.

5. Sloth makes many decide: “It is too much work to be Catholic. I just say ‘I believe in Jesus.’ and save a lot of effort.”

We pray that all will obey Jesus and forever be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” We understand: Money and morals make many attack The Catholic Church.

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